When the trailer for The Green Knight came out I was instantly hooked. First of all Dev Patel? Yes please! And then the visuals of the film along with the story just immediately drew me in. I'll admit, as far as Arthurian tales go, I'm unfamiliar with a lot of the stories outside the main Arthur tale, so getting a glimpse into The Green Knight is really exciting.
But probably my ABSOLUTE favorite part is that A24 has come up with a fantastic tie in for the film:
First of all, how great is that "commercial"? Second, I love that they created a tabletop roleplaying game based off the film! I like that they haven't built this based off of any existing TTRPG and the rules seem pretty straight forward.
The most interesting thing you track on you sheet is your Scale of Dishonor. How much Dishonor you accrue depends on the action you take on your journey. And in this game, Dishonor is worse than death. As far as actions go, you only need a single D20 to play.